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What We Do

Services That Take Your Risk Down A Notch

Your Personal IT Warrior

Business technology can be boring.
Cybersecurity seems complicated.
All these laws and regulations are overwhelming.

How can anyone do all this?

With San Diego’s Tech Kahunas your managed IT services problems are our problems. With a short Strategy Session, you’ll learn how to upgrade and strengthen your tech infrastructure–at an inexpensive monthly charge. You’ll wield the Kahuna Shield.


What Do We Offer?

You’ll get our remote infrastructure monitoring and administration as our core managed IT service.

Your servers, workstations, and mobile devices will no longer be black boxes. You’ll get real-time notifications that allow you to address issues immediately, 24/7, rather than hours later. By that time severe damage to your organization could have already occurred.

We monitor all day, every day and immediately take remedial actions upon receiving alerts or warnings.

Tech Kahunas is different from other San Diego managed IT service providers because along with our 24/7 optimized, reliable, and secure connection and monitoring you get a personal Kahuna to support you–all at a predictable and upfront cost.

Yes, we fix your computer hardware, software, and network connection, but we don’t wait for a connection problem or cyberattack to serve you.

The other services that surround our core offering

Cybersecurity services – Your 24/7 monitoring provides built-in threat intelligence and awareness.

Managed End-user Services – Your workers and customers receive IT help desk services and resolve technical difficulties with our support team of skilled Kahuna agents. This support includes assistance with your operating systems and up to 5 devices for each user. You receive app installations and upgrades, connectivity assurance, and a better user experience.

On-site IT Services – Your on-site Kahuna agents carry out various IT activities: equipment installation and maintenance, cabling or wireless installations, in-person site assessments, and maintenance and service requests with issue logs.

Cloud Services – You will also receive the latest managed public cloud implementations and management, consulting, assessments, and migrations.

Communications Services – You get our unified communications that consolidate telephonic, multimedia and data networks into a single, unified hub. Like our other services, this single network for email, video conferencing, and VOIP ensures your uptime, encrypts your messages, and provides secure video and phone calls.

Managed Backups – Your backups will be bundled with your network, security, and cloud computing. This service includes backing up data to the cloud, development of a disaster recovery blueprint for lost data, data retrieval and restoration, suggestions for how often backups should be conducted, and recommendations for the scope and extent of the recovery program.

Managed Print Services – Monitoring and reviewing printing activities, which include hardware support, updates, upkeep, repair, needs evaluation, hardware replacement, maintenance, expenditure identification, and digital transformation projects, such as hybrid work environment or migration to paperless.

Project-based managed IT services – You get the KahunaVision technology assessment, our solution expertise, continuing technical assistance for your business apps, and provision of project schedules and budget breakdowns.

Analytics Services – You get our data analytics services, which will assist in gathering, assessing, and protecting your user and customer data. We will monitor your site traffic or social networking participation, recognize data trends, transform raw data into easy-to-comprehend insights ready to use for business decision-making, and all-in-one business intelligence, people, market, and financial analytics.

Your Benefits

You can drop the processes and problems. We’ll let you concentrate on productivity and innovation rather than iterative tasks.

Kahuna Shield is our group of managed IT services. Together they give you reassurance, confidence, and a service guarantee for availability at all times, with no worries about connection interruptions. We’ll tell you up front what you can anticipate and when.

We’ll be accountable for the functioning of the services and equipment we deliver, and how successful service delivery will be evaluated.

Through the service level agreement, you’ll see our provisions for common outages, recovery procedures, technical assistance, and help desk activities, all charged monthly and affordably.

While your internal IT team may balance multiple duties, we’ll concentrate on refining delivery, health, security, fixes, and updates as necessary. Without worries, your organization will realize greater time of productivity, innovation, returns on investment, and revenue generating initiatives.

Costs like variable cloud expenditures are often less expensive than investing in permanent internal servers, and you will save on expenses that can occur with full-time employees. You also get inexpensive access to other tech innovations. You will be entitled to discounts or fee cancellations if the terms of the service are not met on our end.

Of course, your daily activities, support tickets, key conditions of your business environment, and any subsequent modifications will be documented to ensure continuity and business as usual.

Our Managed IT services also include:

Defend Your Island

Workers and offices are now operating remotely. Your data could be lost, exposed, or destroyed. Legitimate users and processes are becoming more challenging to identify than ever before. Tech Kahunas says that without verification, there should be no connection, from anywhere, from any device, to any application, at any time.

By signing up for a Strategy Session, your personal Kahuna will discuss your KahunaVision Technology AssessmentWith Tech Kahunas, your managed IT services give you the right security controls for today’s diverse environments in San Diego and beyond.

We will help you Defend Your Island.

Amidst the serene shores and verdant landscapes of the Hawaiian islands, there lived a man called Peter. He was a traveler at heart, drawn to the tranquil beauty and rich culture of the Pacific paradise. After spending countless summers exploring the islands and immersing himself in the local way of life, Peter discovered the concept of the Kahunas — revered experts in various fields who served as skilled pillars of their communities.

As a passionate advocate for technology, Peter envisioned a business that would embody the essence of Hawaiian values — ohana (family), lokahi (unity), and kuleana (responsibility) — and offer top-tier solutions.

And so, Tech Kahunas was born.

Peter and his team aim to be the guiding lights of technology. From startups in need of tailored software solutions to established businesses looking to fortify their cybersecurity defenses, Tech Kahunas has quickly become experts for all things tech-related. Tech Kahunas welcomes each client into our ohana. Our Kahunas create genuine connections and long-lasting relationships, remaining rooted in our commitment to our principles.

24/7 Security & Monitoring

We do proactive monitoring of all business-critical systems.
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We carry out proactive threat monitoring and security measures including firewalls, antivirus, and malware protection.
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Backup & Disaster Recovery

We enforce strict protocols to ensure your data and systems are secure and easily recoverable in the event of a disaster.
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Unified Communications

You get our unified communications that consolidate telephonic, multimedia and data networks into a single, unified hub.
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Analytics & Reporting

We analyze your existing IT infrastructure, implement recommended changes, and carry out ongoing reporting to ensure peak efficiency.
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We keep pace with your industry’s latest compliance regulations and ensure that your IT systems and data management are up to speed.
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We keep you up-to-date with news and alerts through our newsletters, our blog, and direct emails, for the latest tech trends and IT tips.
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Unleash Tech Kahunas' KahunaVision Risk Assessment

C-Suite and Business Owners Guide To Cybersecurity

Download our FREE C-Suite and Business Owner's Guide to cybersecurity

Our free cybersecurity guide will tell you what the state of cybersecurity was in 2022, which companies didn’t make it, and what’s on the horizon in 2023 and beyond.

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